What is Monday Mail?
It’s really hard to write good happy songs, because happiness often comes hand-in-hand with cheesiness. Leave it, of course, to the Norwegians to do this right. Jessi at Goldest Egg writes:
Gina, meet Real Ones, straight from the hotbed of Bergen, Norway (home of Sondre Lerche, Annie, Kings of Convenience). The five members of the psychedelic folk-pop Real Ones are childhood friends and have been playing music together since their teenage years. On their US debut called "All For The Neighbourhood," you'll hear the zany joy of The Flaming Lips, the cocooning otherworldly warmth of alt-country lynchpins Wilco, with the universal thoughts and perspectives of The Band. US tour dates TBA.
Remember our brief lesson in Bergen Wave? Maybe Real Ones are the next chapter to study? After this track, with its unconventional instrumentation and soaring background vocals, I’m kinda sold.
Also, I don’t know if I’ve ever shared this theory with you guys, but I think that Norwegians are easily the hottest people I’ve ever seen. In classic American fashion, I’ve derived this theory from a family trip to Epcot Center’s Norway. These guys are no exception. See their Nordic hotness below.
Sadly, I was a little off my game here. Real Ones were in NYC a few weeks ago and I didn’t tell you in time. BUT, if you happen to live in Europe, you might be able to catch them.

Every Dog Has His Day.mp3
Don’t know why, it seems like lately
Things are going my way.
Everywhere trouble avoids me
And I’m whistling and humming all day.
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