[Local! Music! Friday!]
Tell me...what is this Local Music Fridays?
I get to hang out with Philly singer/songwriter and fellow IAJ mover/shaker Emily Bate this weekend! And that is so awesome, because it’s been months and she’s like, uh, the greatest. Of course, it only seemed apt that I give her a shout-out for this L!M!F!
I first met Emily sometime during my first year at UofM, while living in East Quad. I was very much in my own fully insane world at that time, and we didn’t really become friendly until later. Fast forward four years, and we were going on weird little tours/playing weird little shows, working together on her first “serious” release, Hiss and Hum and hanging out at this strange house in the Michigan woods. It was a pretty creative and productive time.
I’ve witnessed the intense morph and change of Emily’s style over the years and it’s been a wonder to behold. That said, what remains solid and stable is her song-writing, a sturdy foundation on which new and innovative layers of sound are poured. The music is playful, experimental in its use of rhythm, soundscapes and pacing, but also meaningful; the lyrics can stand on their own without much trouble at all.
Thunderclap is my favorite track of her latest album, The Fever in the Feast. I love everything about this song—the arrangement choices, the melody, the sweeeet breakdown…Also, I wouldn’t want to leave out a reference to how awesome the rest of the album is. No bad songs. Really. I highly suggest that you purchase it as soon as possible.

Final thought: this kid plays shows like it’s her job. Because it is?
She’ll be playing the inaugural house show at The 50/50 (yeah guys, that’s my house) on December 6. Details soon.
All we do is wail and moan
Cause we got broken, broken
And we been, and we been
And we been crying alone
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