Tell me...what is this Local Music Fridays?
Ok. The Breeders aren’t exactly local music, I know. Kim Deal’s been around kicking out the jams since I was a two-year old. Nope, it’s not the music that’s local—it’s one of the stars of this hilarious video. Bonus: this also happens to be one of my favorite new songs from the new album, Mountain Battles.
Enter Denae (DNA), my dear, dear friend and also the cute girl bike messenger making the hilariously DNA face in this video! Als gave me the heads up that DNA was in here (I’ve already forgotten the story of how this happened—my brain=sieve).
Or watch the Fancy Official One.
Walk It Off.mp3
One of my most-loved, most-hilarious DNA memories is from an epic roadtrip we (Kot, Annie, DNA and I) took to Toronto during my sophomore year of college. It was right after I broke my knee, so I was hobbling around Canadian Big Dumb Gay Town crutches, getting my picture taken next to rainbow handicap signs. Anyway, much hilarity ensued (I believe we went there to see a Tori Amos concert, stayed in a strange hotel where “Er What is Dead, God Killed Him” was born, consumed much “homo” milk, drank at a weird bar and spent a few nights with Andy Stochansky’s chronically pot-smoking tour manager). The best part was that on the way home, Kot and DNA, who has purchased a pack of naked men playing cards in a queer novelty shop, insisted in jamming the cards all along the car windows. Countless families driving home from their Canadian vacations were assaulted by full frontal gay male nudity. “HONEY—DON’T LOOK!”
Since I don’t have that awesome rainbow handicap picture anymore (a casualty of laptop theft 2003), please enjoy my other favorite picture of DNA, from post-robot party 2004:
Oh, what a world I’ve just opened by allowing videos into L!M!F!s! What excellent clips await!?
Now the singer gets laid. And the drummer gets paid.
robot parties. college. oh, college.
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