July 25, 2008

Lispector//Girls & Boys Make Songs

[Local! Music! Friday!]
Tell me...what is this Local Music Fridays?

I remember this burned disc getting passed all around Ann Arbor this one summer (was it 2005?). I have a feeling that Jason Voss/We’re Twins/WCBN had something to do with this phenomenon. Someone would say, “have you heard of this band Lispector? No? Let me make you a copy.” My boyfriend got a copy from someone he worked with at PFC. The album, Human Problems and How to Solve Them, was really good. It's all quirky, textured sequencer stuff with beautiful vocals and fun lyrics (there is an awesome song about the ice cream man, which I would highly endorse). Needless to say, I immediately made a tape of it so I could listen to it in my car.

Fast forward to myspacesplosion and I started corresponding with Lispector (Julie) regarding music stuff. Julie lives in France, but we got the opportunity to hang out a bit in person and play a very enjoyable show together in NYC last summer.

Thus, I send you off into your weekend with this charming track from HPAHTSOT:

Girls & Boys Make Songs.mp3

Lispector just released a new album called Guide to Personal Happiness. You can hear more Lispector here.

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