It’s only Tuesday, but it might be turning into an informal Bad Pop Week here at OSS. Hold on to your transistor radios, folks! It’s time for some Dressy Bessy!
Random Trivia One: Elephant Six Alert! Guitarist John Hill also plays with Bad Pop Day-worthy band, The Apples in Stereo
Random Trivia Two: A Dressy Bessy song was featured in the hilarious (and gay) movie But I’m a Cheerleader, starring Clea Duvall, who I am in love with.
Random Trivia Three: I saw Dressy Bessy at the Knitting Factory a few years back and Sean Lango yelled, “THANK YOU MISSUS BESSY!” to Tammy Ealom.
Can you tell I didn’t sleep enough last night? I didn’t sleep enough last night.

I Saw Cinnamon.mp3
I Saw Cinnamon
Running Down the Road
He had his arms full of melody
Fa So La Ti Da!
Bad Pop—as good as coffee? Not quite.
1 comment:
Bad Pop doesn't get any better than this. I used to play this track over and over again, no doubt annoying family and friends in the process. It's also the reason I refer to all cats/dogs as "Cinnamon", which is probably not as funny as I think it is.
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